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What Do I Want

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What do I want from life? This question pops up in my head. Often I try to find an answer, and sometimes I feel I have found it, but then, few days later, I just forget about it. What do I want? This is the question I need to have an answer to. Why? Because this answer can guide me through the life; it can show me the light; it can remind me why I’m even trying, and motivate to try even harder, not getting distracted.

What do I love? Well, let’s do the Ikigai exercise that I have to do for the school assignment anyway. Maybe this can give some kind of answer.

  1. What you Love?

I love reading books. I love writing. I love thinking. I love solving problems. I love digging into a problem and getting sidetracked while discovering new things. I love quiet life.

  1. What the world needs?

I don’t know. Maybe someone to remind them not to be fools. There are so much fools walking around, getting fooled by some simple tricks. Not using their mind to see through the BS. People need to be reminded to concentrate, to learn something new. Everything on the surface is not reality, it might be a mirage. It might be just the tip of the iceberg.

  1. What you can be paid for?

I can get paid for writing software. I can get paid for writing, but I need to really do it. Easiest thing for me is to continue my software engineering thing, and at the side try to get into the writing habit. Write my book. Or write an essay, whatever. But here’s the catch. The essays and books — they should all be in the same internal topic. Walter Campbell calls it something, can’t remember what.

  1. What you are good at?

I am good at solving problems. Helping people. Thinking methodically, but at the same time chaotically. I’m good at not being emotional. I take everything with a slight skepitcism, even antheism—religion not to mention. I’m open to different interpretations. But at the same time I’m not a relativist: I don’t think that everything is acceptable. I have to take a position, and if it doesn’t suit me, I can switch it later.

Thinking about the book series that will encompass all of my wanderings.

  1. Problem Solving
  2. Software engineering
  3. Reading books, research, writing
  4. Stoicism, Second-Level Thinking
  5. Communicating with people around me
  6. Investing
  7. Running a small business
  8. Not Giving a Fuck, like stoicism
  9. Spirituality, looking inside
  10. Reading people
  11. Living in solitude, living away from big cities
  12. Analog way
  13. Ancient Way of life, Practical Philosophy

Is there something in common?

  1. Taking care of yourself financially: investing, small business
    1. Outside world
  2. Communication: writing, research, reading, speaking, reading people
    1. Social world
  3. Life Philosophy: Stoics, Second-Level Thinking, Spirituality, Not giving a fuck, way of life, solitude, analog
    1. Inside world